One goal of this study is that everyone would walk away with a greater appreciation of who Jesus is and how a relationship with him will dramatically alter your life.
Watch Session 1: Mark 1:1–13 (6 minutes)
Discussion Questions
Why do you think John felt unworthy to untie Jesus’s sandals? What does that say about John?
In what ways has Jesus become too familiar? Do you find yourself taking him for granted? How?
In what way does this session describe the good news? How does this expand your view of the good news of Jesus?
Looking back at your life, do you see evidence of God using challenging times to prepare you for something He had for you to do in the future? If so, share that with the group.
Who is Jesus to you? Have you decided to trust that He is indeed the Son of God?
If not, what is holding you back?
If you do believe Jesus is God, what kind of Savior has He been in your life? How are you living daily with that reality?
(Create an “I Will” statement). As a result of the discussion today, what is one step you will take in obedience to Him?
Spend time in prayer, asking God to teach you more about Jesus as the Son of God through studying the Gospel of Mark.
As disciples who follow Jesus Christ, we are called to surrender every aspect of our lives completely to him.
Watch Session 2: Mark 1:14–45 (10 minutes)
Discussion Questions
When have you ever felt God calling you to something drastically new? Perhaps a job, a move, a relationship shift. How did you react?
How did the disciples react to Jesus’s invitation to follow Him?
Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. How do you think you would have responded if you had been in the fishing boat with Peter?
Describe the authority Jesus demonstrates shown in today’s session. What does this tell us about the extent and nature of His power?
How are you responding to Jesus now? In what ways does your life, your priorities, your attitudes reflect His call on your life?
So what does this mean for us? How do we live differently in light of Jesus’s authority? (Create an “I Will” statement).
Spend time in prayer, asking God to expand your understanding of who Jesus is to you and how to live in light of this.
As disciples who follow Jesus Christ, we are called to surrender every aspect of our lives completely to Him.
Watch Session 3: Mark 2:1–3:6 (10 minutes)
Discussion Questions
Take a moment and think about the things in your life you’d like Jesus to fix. If He showed up one day and said, “Name it and I’ll fix it,” what would you ask from Him? Why?
What obstacles did the paralytic face in getting to Jesus?
If you were able to choose, would you rather be healed physically of a life-altering ailment or illness, or forgiven your sins? Why?
How does understanding Jesus as the coming king inform your perception of Him and your relationship with Him?
What do Jesus’s words tell you about how God treats His people?
In what ways have you found yourself acting more like a Pharisee (legalistic, graceless) despite having access to Scripture? To what do you attribute that tendency?
Spend time praying. Confess your sins to Jesus. Admit your need for him. Ask Him to reveal to you the sins that you’re ignoring or forgetting. And then listen. Allow Him the time to work in your heart and mind.
True disciples have a heart condition that is committed to God’s kingdom rather than the applause of people.
Watch Session 4: Mark 3:7-4:34 (11 minutes)
Discussion Questions
What sets the disciples apart from the crowds following Jesus?
Take a minute or two and think about how Francis presented the two groups of people: the called-out disciples and the crowds. If you were to look at your life honestly, which group would you belong to? Why?
Reflect on a situation in which life did not meet up with your expectations. How did you reconcile those events with your faith?
In your own words, describe the dangers of each of the problematic soils. Which of these have you experienced personally?
Would you describe your life as world-changing? Why or why not?
Spend time in prayer asking God to cultivate the soil of your heart and remove anything that needs to be removed to flourish in your relationship with Him.
Because Jesus is a compassionate, powerful God, we can and should come to him with our concerns and needs.
Watch Session 5: Mark 4:35-5:43 (11 minutes)
Discussion Questions
Put yourself in the shoes of the disciples. What do you think it would have been like to experience the storm now that you’ve seen the sea itself?
Reflect back on a time in your life where a situation or set of circumstances left you feeling afraid. In the midst of that fear, what did your perspective of God look like?
Francis noted that as followers of Jesus we shouldn’t be afraid of anything. Jesus expects the same faith from us that He did from the disciples. Do you have trouble trusting Him with specific fears? If so, which ones and why?
How does that fact—that Jesus wants to be with you—impact your daily life? What can you do to remind yourself throughout the day of this truth—that a compassionate loving savior wants to be with you?
What do you depend on to get you through your day—or through your life (a job, certain people, etc.)? Where does following Jesus rank compared to those things?
Spend time in prayer coming to God with your concerns and needs.
Faithful following means doing what Jesus asks regardless of the worldly outcome.
Watch Session 6: Mark 6:1-29 (9 minutes)
Discussion Questions
How does Jesus' hometown people receive Him after He teaches in their synagogue?
Think about your own spiritual journey. When you encountered Jesus for the first time, how did you respond?
Now think about the possible objections you might have had (or maybe still do have) to Jesus. What objections to Jesus would you expect someone to have today?
What sort of opposition to Christ have you observed personally? Share your stories.
Now consider those opposed to Christ, or at least uninterested in Him. In what ways does your relationship with Him give you empathy and compassion for the lost?
What role does repentance play in your life? How did you “change your mind” about Jesus when you first believed?
Is there something you know you must “change your mind” about? Perhaps you sense a call to surrender or a situation in which to step out in faith. Spend time in prayer for these things.
Because of his unique power as creator, Jesus renews and restores what sin and darkness broke.
Watch Session 7: Mark 6:30-8:30 (15 minutes)
Discussion Questions
What sort of power does Jesus have over the brokenness in our world?
Consider your own righteousness. Have you added self-made “rules” that reveal someone’s deeper holiness, in your sight? In what ways have you added to the gospel, like the Pharisees did?
Who or what is responsible for our sin?
In what ways do you feel you see Jesus more clearly now? How does today's reading increase your understanding of Him and His mission?
What sort of actions look righteous? Now, how can a person engage in those while inwardly being unrighteous? When have you done this? How can you avoid such double-mindedness in the future?
As we conclude today’s discussion, take a moment as a group to be silent before God. Have you allowed Jesus to change your heart? What areas of your life are you still holding on to? If you feel comfortable doing so, have a few people share with the group.
To be a true disciple of Jesus, we must lay aside everything we possess and all that we are to sacrificially serve like Jesus did.
Watch Session 8: Mark 8:31-10:52 (8 minutes)
Discussion Questions
What was Peter’s misunderstanding about Jesus’s mission? How do you think Peter (and, presumably, the other disciples) arrived at that wrong conclusion?
What’s the hardest aspect of discipleship for you? What presents the biggest challenge? Where are you having trouble obeying Jesus?
How does Jesus’ concept of greatness contrast with the world’s? Name one lie about greatness that you believed until you understood Jesus’ perspective.
Why is servant leadership so difficult to practice?
What words or images does the term “servant” bring to mind? What emotions do you feel thinking about being someone’s servant?
Take Action
Take a minute or two and identify one person you can go out of your way to serve in the week ahead. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture—in fact it probably shouldn’t be. Instead, focus on how you can surrender your own self-interests to serve someone else.
Spend time praying for the posture of a servant’s heart and a heart that is aligned with Jesus!
The world’s view of power differs drastically from Jesus’s example of the king coming to sacrifice and serve.
Watch Session 9: Mark 11:1-13:37 (9 minutes)
Discussion Questions
Defying expectations can be exhilarating or intimidating. Have you ever walked into a situation knowing that you were going to bring something other than what was expected? How did you feel? What was the reaction?
How does Francis describe Jesus’s last messages to His disciples?
How does forgiving others align with bearing healthy fruit as a follower of Jesus?
Has there been a situation in which your beliefs were held against you? How did you react?
Are you ready for Jesus’s return? Are you living like he could return tomorrow? If not, why?
Spend time in prayer based on your conversation today and areas God is challenging you in.
Despite being abandoned, Jesus accomplished his mission on the cross, laying a victorious foundation for our eternal hope.
Watch Session 10: Mark 14:1-15:47 (14 minutes)
Discussion Questions
As you listened to Francis tell the story of the Last Supper and the events in Gethsemane, what emotions surfaced in you toward Jesus?
What does it say about Jesus’s love for us that He wants to spend time with us despite whatHe knows about us?
What value do you find in praise and worship, whether in song or reading or praying? How does that practice enhance your relationship with God?
In what way does Jesus’s suffering point to the love of God for us?
What is the cross about, according to Francis?
How eagerly do you tell others about Jesus? Do you feel comfortable explaining to others why faith in Jesus is so crucial for them? Why or why not?
Spend time in prayer based on your conversation today and areas God is challenging you in.
Despite being abandoned, Jesus accomplished his mission on the cross, laying a victorious foundation for our eternal hope.
Watch Session 11: Mark 15:40-16:8 (10 minutes)
Discussion Questions
In what ways have you felt invisible?
Have you ever believed that something you’ve done, thought, or said might be too much for Jesus to forgive? How have you dealt with that burden?
What does Peter’s story tell you about Jesus’s capacity to forgive and restore?
What convinced you that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God?
How do you express your faith on a daily basis? What habits and values do you live out?
How would you answer the question, “Is following Jesus worth it?”
Spend time in prayer based on your conversation today and areas God is challenging you in.