The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
Session 1: The Case for an Unhurried Life
The Case for an Unhurried Life (11 min)
- What do you do to rest? What would you do if you had more time to rest?
- What is hurry sickness? What are the negative results of hurry sickness?
- How does a hurried lifestyle impact our relationship with God? What happens to our spiritual lives when we’re way too busy?
- Do you ever feel like you are overwhelmed with hurry, unable to complete everything on your to-do list? What in your life keeps you the busiest?
- Healthy busyness is when we have a lot to do but not “too much.” The unhealthy type of busyness is when there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it. Which type of busyness best reflects your life? Why?
- What kind of escapist behaviors tempt you when you need to disconnect from the busyness of life? In what ways have these escapes distracted you rather than giving you the rest you need?
- What could it look like for you to readjust your busiest day next week? What activities or demands could you cut out of your schedule?
Session 2: Silence and Solitude
- Do you like being alone? Why or why not? How would you feel about being alone and quiet—no phone, music, TV, or added background noise?
- What is the difference between isolation and solitude? Why did Jesus withdraw to quiet places?
- In what ways does our Western world deepen our need for silence and solitude?
- What priorities keep you too busy to practice silence and solitude?
- What is the difference between internal and external silence? Which one is most difficult for you to pursue? What factors make it difficult for you to practice internal and external silence?
- John Mark reminded us that when it comes to practicing solitude with God, we should begin wherever we are without stressing about where we want to be. Solitude can be as simple as spending five minutes in prayer before bed or reading Scripture during a few minutes of quiet. What could it look like for you to take a step toward finding solitude with God this week?
Session 3: Sabbath
- How do you typically spend your days off? How do you fill up your days when you don’t have to work?
- What comes to mind when you think of the sabbath? How have you participated in the sabbath in the past?
- In what ways have you ever felt guilty for taking days off from work? How do you feel when you have unfinished work but try to rest anyways?
- What makes it difficult for you to stop, even for a couple of hours?
- When was the last time you took a day away from your schedule and pressing responsibilities? What do you think it would look like for you to actively rest in Jesus?
- Besides attending church, what would it look like for you to dedicate a day to God? What do you think worship looks like outside of your church worship service?
- The sabbath is important because it removes distractions, allows us to be sensitive to the Spirit, and gives us a day to experience the beauty of life. What could it look like for you to intentionally carve out a sabbath day once a week? What are you most excited to do on your next sabbath?
Session 4: Simplicity
- Do you consume or accumulate new things that you don’t necessarily need? Why do you think that is the case?
- How does culture contribute to consumerism and a need for more?
- It can be easy to think of other people as frivolous, greedy, or consumeristic, but followers of Jesus can also buy into the desire for more. Do you think of your habits as consumeristic or even greedy? Why or why not?
- What could simple living or minimalism look like in your own life? In what ways have you enjoyed, or not enjoyed, simple living?
- Being a consumer isn’t just about buying stuff—it also applies to our activities and obligations. As hard as it is to believe, these activities can distract you from God. In what ways could extra activities or responsibilities be a distraction? How does your use of your resources—your time, energy, and money—reflect your priorities?
- What could it look like for you to be more generous with the resources God has given you?
- What in your life could you downsize or give away? What would it look like to try living with less for the next month?
Session 5: Slowing
- Do you prefer a fast-paced lifestyle or one that’s slow? What do you like or dislike about the pace of your life?
- How would you define a soul? Why do you think it’s important to understand that God cares about our whole person, body, and soul?
- What do you think it looks like to, as Romans 12:1 says, present your body to God as a sacrifice?
- By learning how to be present in the moment and centering our attention through focal practices, we can also increase our soul’s capacity to be present to God in prayer. Is it difficult for you to remain present during prayer? What distractions grab your attention the most?
- Read James 5:7–8. What need in your life is beyond your control? What would it look like to be present with God rather than spending energy worrying about the future while you wait?
- Think about your current spiritual life and how it has been impacted by a hurried lifestyle. The practices of silence and solitude, the sabbath, simplicity and slowing, will not only help you rest and give you peace but also will connect you intimately with Jesus. Which of these four practices can you add to your weekly schedule? What would it look like to practice all four?
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